RSPCA Darwin Regional Branch

Fundraise for RSPCA - RSPCA Darwin Regional Branch

Fundraise for RSPCA

Are you passionate about RSPCA NT animals in need and want to create your own fundraising event? Perhaps you’re competing in an outdoor or sporting event and want to use this opportunity to raise money for abandoned, neglected, sick and surrendered animals? Or maybe you’d like to donate your birthday or wedding gift money to make a lifesaving difference to the lives of animals in Darwin? Whatever you have planned, RSPCA NT can’t thank you enough for your incredible support.

We’d love to help you with the details, including helping you organise your required fundraising activity Email Us.

Pledge Your Birthday

Pledging your birthday to RSPCA NT makes a lifesaving difference to animals in need. Plus, your generous support will ensure your birthday is memorable for your family and friends, as well as for you.


Help us with our Wishlist

If you’re not able to raise cash, or your workplace, community club or social group would like to help animals in a way that is most meaningful to the shelter, check out our Wishlist for the items we need most!

If you think you have access to something we may need which isn’t on the list, please contact 


Sports Fundraising

If you’re passionate about animal welfare and sports, joining Team RSPCA is a fantastic way of challenging yourself and helping animals in need. From fun runs to charity games, there are plenty of sports fundraising events across the Territory that offer a great opportunity to make a real difference to abandoned, injured, neglected, sick and surrendered animals.

You could even take your sporting challenge global. Why not run the New York Marathon, climb Mount Everest or swim the British Channel? The choice is up to you.

To join Team RSPCA and transform the lives of animals in need, create an online fundraising page by contacting



There are so many creative, fun and interesting ways to make a lifesaving difference to RSPCA Darwin animals in need. So whether you want to organise a market stall, a local park drive, or a party, the choice is yours. If you’re organising a bake sale, we can even supply the recipes – pupcakes included! To get started, simply contact and we’ll even send you an exclusive host kit.

In Memory

Making a donation to RSPCA Darwin in memory of a loved one you have lost is a special way to acknowledge and honour their passing, and to celebrate their life. It also makes a real difference to so many abandoned, injured, neglected, sick and surrendered animals in need.

RSPCA Darwin suggests either making an individual donation, or setting up an online fundraising page to allow family and friends to donate too.  You can email

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Ways to Give

Each year, more than 1,000 animals turn to RSPCA NT for help. And it’s because of generous supporters like you that we can continue to care for them when they need us most.

There are a number of ways that you can help protect vulnerable animals in Darwin. You could become a monthly donor to RSPCA Darwin, set up Workplace Giving through your payroll, make a one-off donation, donate in memory of a loved one, or leave a gift in your Will. If you’re not able to donate money, our shelters have wish lists with items our animals are in need of. You could also fundraise for RSPCA NT, purchase our raffle tickets, or even purchase pet insurance with us, with a portion of your fee going directly back towards helping animals in need.

However you choose to support us, your generosity makes a lifesaving difference to abandoned, neglected, sick and surrendered animals across the state. We can’t thank you enough for your belief that animals matter.